
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
S4 E5: Superintendent Clay Corbin on the Evolution of Innovative Programming
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
S4 E5: Superintendent Clay Corbin on the Evolution of Innovative Programming
On this week’s episode, we’re talking with Superintendent Clay Corbin about developing programming that supports education, empowerment, and healing. We dive into the “space and grace” required for creating something new, and the challenges and positives of leading innovation.
Clay Corbin is Superintendent of the Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center, where he has served in multiple roles over the past twenty three years. Superintendent Corbin is passionate about creating programming that benefits the people he serves, and committed to doing so in a collaborative, community-focused way.
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Monday Nov 04, 2024
S4 E4: Hamilton Glass on Mending Walls and Collaborative Change
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
S4 E4: Hamilton Glass on Mending Walls and Collaborative Change
On this week’s episode, we’re talking with Hamilton Glass about Mending Walls RVA, the concept of project vs. process, and the many ways that creativity, connection, and collaboration can lead to change.
Hamilton Glass’s career as an artist stems from his architecture and design background. Despite working in the architecture field for 7 years, his passion for public art pushed him to start a career as an artist. Public art has always been a big influence and inspiration to Hamilton, because of its power to influence and inspire the surrounding community. With every opportunity Hamilton is given to create, he tries to convey a message that connects his art to the community. Using his background in architecture, he creates images that reference architectural drafting practices, which are represented in the sharp lines, scale, and balance of the piece. The bright colors and unpredictable lines and shapes are used to convey energy and movement in each piece.
Hamilton's work isn’t just a singular canvas, print, or mural. One of the things he enjoys most is creating multi-layered projects that amplify his community's voices. In 2020, Hamilton founded the Mending Walls RVA which was created to address the civil unrest and pandemic raging in our country. This was a way for Hamilton to process current events and create a platform that inspired empathy and connection through collaborative public art work. Hamilton's goal is to use his art as a healing tool to uplift and inspire his community.
Referenced Resources:
Mending Walls RVA: https://www.mendingwallsrva.com/
Mending Walls Documentary: https://www.vpm.org/mending-walls
Mending Walls Podcast: https://mendingwallspodcast.buzzsprout.com/
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
S4 E3: Rick Griffin on Utilizing Neuroscience to Facilitate Change
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
On this week’s episode, we’re talking with Rick Griffin about the ways that understanding neuroscience can transform ourselves and our relationships, the impact of community-based education, and the power of staying curious in every interaction.
Rick is the Founder and CEO of the Neuro Leadership Academy, a new enterprise committed to using neuroscience to facilitate personal and professional development. Rick holds a master’s degree in education and uses his education to develop innovative content and to deliver engaging presentations. He speaks to thousands of groups from all over the country and is widely recognized for his work with trauma- informed and resilience-based practices.
As the former Executive Director of a trauma-informed therapeutic residential program for struggling teens, Rick has first-hand experience with developing and implementing strategies and structures that foster resilience. His experience allows him to consult seamlessly with schools, businesses, and community organizations.
Mr. Griffin continues to be on the leading edge of training design. As a Master Trainer for Community Resilience Initiative, he has developed several outstanding trauma and resilience focused programs and practices including the Certified Trauma-Informed Specialist (CTIS), a micro-credential for Occupational Therapist and other school-based mental health professionals. He has also authored several engaging eBooks, including his latest eBook, Keeping PACE With the Brain, an insightful eBook that delves into how social domains stimulate brain responses and guide our actions, emotions, and motivations.
Referenced Resources:
Community Resilience Initiative: https://criresilient.org/
Neuro Leadership Academy: https://neuro-la.com/about-us/
How Emotions are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett: https://lisafeldmanbarrett.com/books/how-emotions-are-made/
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk : https://www.besselvanderkolk.com/resources/the-body-keeps-the-score
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris Ted Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/nadine_burke_harris_how_childhood_trauma_affects_health_across_a_lifetime?subtitle=en
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
It’s National Recovery month, and in this week’s episode, we’re talking with Mandy McCarthy about the role that vulnerability plays in healing, the world’s need for storytelling, and moving upstream in prevention and wellness work.
Mandy McCarthy is a Prevention and Wellness Specialist with Northwestern Community Services Board, who uses her story to help bring awareness to mental health challenges and substance use. She is the mother of an amazing 12-year-old boy, an active member of her community, and feels enthusiastic about being the change she wants to see in the world.
Triumph Over Trauma: Northern Shenandoah Valley Resiliency Initiative: https://www.triumphovertraumansv.com/
Kevin Hines: https://kevinhinesstory.com/
Topics discussed in this episode include suicide, substance use, domestic violence, and sexual assault. It may be difficult for some listeners. Help is always available- The suicide and crisis lifeline can be reached by texting or calling 988.
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
S4 E1: Chief Wayne Sager on Community Collaboration and Living Better for Longer
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
We’re kicking off Season 4, joined by Chief Wayne Sager! We’re discussing Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st, what it looks like to work collaboratively within our communities to create change, and how looking locally can help us live better for longer.
Born and raised in the Shenandoah Valley, Chief Wayne Sager has served the Town of Strasburg for 18 years, six of which as their Chief of Police. A 2019 graduate of the FBI National Academy and, in 2017, from the Professional Executive Leadership School at the University of Richmond, he continues to stay current on ever -changing justice reform. Being a firm believer and advocate for community collaboration, Sager serves as the Chair of the Family Youth Initiative (FYI) for Shenandoah County, the Skyline Regional Criminal Justice Academy, and the Northwest Virginia Regional Drug & Gang Task Force. He is an executive committee member for the Community Resources for Education & Wellness (CREW), Northern Shenandoah Valley Substance Abuse Coalition, Strasburg Rotary, and is an active member of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP), serving as committee members for both the Valor Awards and Professional Executive Leadership School (PELS). Chief Sager is a husband, a father of three, an avid outdoorsman, and enjoys coaching his children's little league sports.
Winchester Virginia Overdose Awareness Day Event 2024: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-overdose-awareness-day-tickets-1000339521437?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
CREW: https://crewva.org/
Family Youth Initiative: https://www.shenandoahfyi.com/
Strasburg Virginia: https://www.strasburgva.com/
International Overdose Awareness Day: https://www.overdoseday.com/
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
On this week’s episode, we’re talking with Dr. Adam Starks about breaking the cycle, reaching out to help others, the need for community, and the hope of at-promise youth.
Dr. Adam Starks is a motivational keynote speaker on a variety of child welfare-related topics, ranging from foster care, child mental health issues, and trauma informed care. As a product of the foster care system who broke the cycle, he empowers audiences to uplift at-promise youth by tapping into community resources to convert youth potential into positive outcomes. He serves on his local school board and as the President of the West Virginia CASA Association board. Dr. Starks is also a multi-genre author of several books.
Dr. Adam Starks’ Website: http://adamstarks.com/
Triumph Over Trauma Summit on May 15th, 2024: https://preventionandwellness.ticketleap.com/triumph-over-trauma-summit/
‘Broken Child Mended Man’ by Dr. Adam Starks: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/Broken%20Child%20Mended%20Man/_/N-w;jsessionid=6D36DFDD583D90894C94AF6B83BAC8F9.prodny_store02-atgap05
‘Love’ by Leo F. Buscaglia: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/841125
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
On this week’s episode, we’re talking with Dr. Melissa Goldberg Mintz about healing, connection, and the journey of “traumatization to empowerment.”
Dr. Melissa Goldberg Mintz is a psychologist, author, and mother of two. Dr. Goldberg Mintz owns a small private practice, Secure Base Psychology and holds the title of Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine. She is also the author of Has Your Child Been Traumatized? How to Know and What to do to Promote Healing and Recovery.
Dr. Goldberg Mintz’s website: https://melissagoldbergmintz.com/
Has your Child Been Traumatized? Book: https://melissagoldbergmintz.com/books
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
We are ending the year with a revisit to our first episode of 2022 by reposting our sit down with Shanza Isom to discuss holistic well-being, mindfulness, and self-care. We think this conversation is the PERFECT way to start January, at a time when we’re all considering how we can better care for ourselves, and others, in the year ahead.
Shanza Isom is an assistant professor in the James Madison University department of social work, where she teaches undergraduate courses and directs field instruction. Shanza is also a facilitator and trainer, with expertise in areas of mindfulness and holistic well-being. Shanza trains and teaches educators, parents and those in helping professions in the incorporation of mindfulness in their personal and professional lives.
Shanza’s Contact Information: isomsa@jmu.edu
The views and opinions expressed on Awareness 2 Action are those of the guests and host and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Prevention Department or Northwestern Community Services.